Thursday 11 August 2011

Yo Puedo!

Last week we made some prints using Styrofoam trays.  It is a simple art project and children are typically pleased with the results. 

 Dinosaur by Jonathan - 9 years old

Since it is summer vacation, art classes have been less formal and I am teaching without a translator.  For the most part, the classes go well enough.  However, I was a bit worried about this print making class, because it is a little more complicated than pulling out crayons or markers.  Plus, I wanted the children to have success at the end of a multi-step process.  So I started with a group of three students and explained the lesson.  Once one student was done, a new student would join us.  This meant I needed to explain the lesson many times over.  Those who already heard my instructions were happy enough to help out, and would begin to tell the new student what was going on.  This was okay, but eventually it broke down to me trying to make myself understood in Spanglish, two other children interpreting me in Spanish, all talking at once, to a very confused looking child.  In a somewhat ungraceful manner, I firmly stated, "No, YO Puedo!"  Imagine a two year old insisting on putting on her shoes by herself.  "No, I Can!"  Perhaps not one of my finer teaching moments, but one in which I communicated quite clearly in Spanish.  Thankfully, the final products were a success and my students forgave me.

Animal by Cristian - 5 years old

Lion by Heberto - 11 years old

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