Saturday 13 August 2011

Our Littlest One!

We are having a baby in January!  Our littlest one is growing, moving and doing very well.

Last week we had an ultrasound done in Tuxtla, the capital of Chiapas.  We knew that it was possible to have a 3D ultrasound, but we didn't know how to ask for it, nor the price it might incur.  So we just took what they gave us. 

Wow, what a different experience from ultrasounds in Canada.  The whole family tromped into the room and sat facing two big flat screens.  We then proceeded to watch the entire ultrasound.  We got to see the littlest one moving in 3D!  The doctor talked to us the whole time, not that we understood everything, but we understood the important aspects.  It's a boy!  When it was done, we stood up and smiled for a family photo.  Two hours later we picked up a package containing the results and two DVDs of the whole appointment.  The cost?  It was 600 pesos or $48.20.

Hannah was a little disappointed that the baby is not a girl, but she is over it now.  She is looking on the bright side, a new baby, boy or girl, means a new baby to look after.  Jude is happy, but he didn't really care either way.  Jeremiah hasn't a clue except, that he can point at any place on Mama's body and say, "Baby!" and everyone will cheer for him. 

Little one, we are happy that you have come to join our family.

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