Tuesday 14 June 2011

February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Let me start by saying, we are aware that not everyone on our contact list shares the same beliefs about God.  We do not wish to offend anyone, but we do want to share with you our experiences here.

This morning I put Jeremiah on the floor in an empty room.  As soon as I put him down, he began to crawl around looking for anything within his grasp .  He is just 13 months so whatever he finds, inevitably goes in his mouth.  He found something, which I thought was a string, and popped it in.  I pulled it out and put it out of his reach.  However the "string" began to move and I realized it was not a string but a scorpion!  Immediately I squished it, scooped up Jeremiah and woke up Sam.  We called the orphanage to let them know - and we prayed over the phone. 

Jeremiah did not cry and showed no signs of swelling.  Scorpions are known to be extremely aggressive and rarely, if touched, won't sting.  Although the stings usually aren't fatal, to an adult it feels like 3-4 wasp stings and the victim will feel flu-like symptoms if untreated.  Several hours later, Jeremiah remains perfectly fine. 
Praise God!  He is always watching over us and protecting us, even the littlest ones. 

My response is another testimony of God's goodness.  I am at peace with what happened this morning, because I know without a doubt God is in control of our lives.  No, I do not like what happened and it is a lesson for all of our family to be careful, but I am not afraid.  My lack of fear is a gift from God, enabling me to go about my life in this new place.

So thankyou for all those prayers of protection!

Wendy Dieleman

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