Tuesday 12 July 2011

Pufferfish at the Beach

Yesterday we went to the beach with a friend and her two children.  While there I tried to tell her about the puffer fish we saw two weeks earlier.  We were not making any progress in understanding each other because the word for the spines is the same word for fish bones.  She thought I was describing a very old dead fish of which I could see its bones.  It was really old and dead.

Eventually we got it sorted out.  Then she looked a little disbelieving and said she had never ever seen this fish at the beach.  At that moment, some children started screaming in the water.  An older boy had pulled a fish out of the water and the younger children were running away from it.  Curious, we went to take a look.  And . . . it was the very fish we had been talking about!

My friend and I were delighted and had a good laugh at the timing of our conversation and the finding of the fish.  This time it was a much healthier, live fish.  After everyone had a look, it was put back in the water.

Later Sam and I were talking about how God blesses us in specific ways that are meaningful to us as an individual.  Our friend does not have a car and can not go to the beach with her children.  She does not have opportunities to see various sites and places in her own state of Chiapas.  We had been talking about this very thing in the car on the way to the beach.  Then the very moment she finished saying she had never ever seen such a fish, God pulled one out of the water for her! 

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